Oslo Maritime Security Seminar (OMSS) on 7 December

Cyber security will be one of the major topics during this year’s Oslo Maritime Security Seminar (OMSS) on 7 December 2020. This year’s seminar will be held as a virtual event.


OMSS will feature the following speakers:

Mr Andy Powell,
CISO Maersk: Experience from a shipowner’s perspective

Mr Bjørn B Pedersen,
Chief Analyst at Danish Maritime Authority on secondment to the Center for Cyber Security (CFCS):
Cyber threat assessment for Maritime

Mr Arne Asplem
Head of Intelligence, NORMA Cyber: Case study – maritime cyber threats

Mr Lars B Vold
Managing Director, NORMA Cyber: A status update on the establishment of NORMA Cyber

The seminar will be held on an invitation-only basis with the main audience being DNK and Norwegian Shipowners Association members and other relevant stakeholders. If you would like to participate, please contact contact@normacyber.no


NORMA Cyber press release